Two-sided Rounded Polyhexes with 3 or 4 Hexagons

The area of an hexagon is 3n(n-1)+1 = 1 mod 6. Therefore we can't cover an hexagon with pieces of order 4 and I decided to use a combined set with pieces of order 3 and 4. Then I constructed a hexagon of size 9 and with the remaining pieces a triangle of size 3. Naturally I started with the triangle.

Two-sided Rounded Polyhexes with 2 up to 4 Hexagons

Adding pieces of order 2 even two hexagons are possible to make.

One-sided Rounded Polyhexes with 3 or 4 Hexagons

The 99 one-sided pieces of order 3 and 4 with an area of 386 = 217+169 allow for two hexagons of size 8 and 9.

One-sided Rounded Polyhexes with 2 up to 4 Hexagons

If we add the pieces of order 2 the total area is 390, which is divisible by 6 without remainder. Therefore figures with hexagonal symmetry but without a center piece can be constructed and I chose two hexagonal rings. The second one is shown with the real pieces.
